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BLUEBACK Watch the trailer

A heart-warming tale of family, friendship, and the power of one person to make a difference.

While marine biologist Abby Jackson is out on a boat researching the heart-breaking destruction of coral reefs, she's called back home with the news that her mother has fallen ill. Abby begins reflecting on her childhood and the powerful influence her mother, Dora, had on her worldview. Through flashbacks, we meet teenage Abby, who is taking an increasing interest in protecting the bay where they live, driven by a bond she has formed with the wild blue groper who resides there.

Why you'll love Blueback

Meet Blueback

Discover fun facts about the curious and loveable Western Blue Groper


Meet the cast

Meet the truly incredible cast who have brought the Blueback story to life


Which sea creature are you?

Take the quiz to reveal your personality match


Take Action

Discover what you can do to keep our oceans healthy


Blueback Photo Competition

Thanks to those who joined the Blueback photo competition! Please see entries below.